There can be many reasons why Google Play crashes on Huawei phones. Here are some potentially useful solutions:

  1. Clear Google Play’s cache and data. Go to the application manager in your phone settings, then find the Google Play application. Select the “Storage” option and clear the cache and data. Restart your phone and try opening Google Play again.
  2. Update the Google Play application. Search for “Google Play” in Google Play and check if there are any updates available. If there are updates, update the Google Play application and restart your phone before trying to open Google Play again.
  3. Check your phone’s date and time settings. Incorrect date and time settings may cause issues with Google Play. Make sure your phone’s date and time settings are correct.
  4. Check your network connection. Ensure your phone is connected to the internet and the network connection is stable. If you are using Wi-Fi, try using mobile data or connecting to a different Wi-Fi network.
  5. Check security software or firewall settings. Some security software or firewalls may block Google Play from connecting to the internet. Check your security software or firewall settings and make sure Google Play is allowed to connect to the internet.

The above are some common solutions. If the above methods still do not resolve the problem, try uninstalling and reinstalling Google Play. If the issue persists, consider consulting Huawei customer service or official Google Play support.