Backing up your PrestaShop store is a vital practice to ensure the security and continuity of your business. A backup allows you to restore your site in case of technical failures, malware attacks, or human errors. In this article, you’ll learn step-by-step how to back up your store efficiently, ensuring all critical data is protected.

1. Why Backups are Essential in PrestaShop

Regular backups are crucial because PrestaShop handles a vast amount of sensitive data, including customer information, products, orders, and site configurations. Without proper backup, you could lose all this information in an instant. Backups provide a safety net that allows you to restore your store to an operational state if any issues arise.

2. Methods to Backup Your PrestaShop Store

There are several methods to back up your PrestaShop store. Below, we explain the most common ones:

  • Automatic Backups with Hosting Providers: Some hosting providers offer automatic backup services. Check with your provider to see if this option is available and verify the backup frequency.
  • Using the Backup Module in PrestaShop: PrestaShop offers specific modules that allow you to automate backups. Look in the PrestaShop marketplace and choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Manual Backup via cPanel: If you have access to cPanel, you can perform manual backups by downloading files and databases directly.

3. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Perform a Manual Backup

  • Step 1: Access cPanel: Log in to your cPanel account through your hosting provider. Look for the “Files” section and select “Backups” or “Backup.”
  • Step 2: Download Site Files: In the “Backups” section, select “Download a Full Website Backup.” This will include all PrestaShop files, such as images, modules, and custom themes.
  • Step 3: Export the Database: PrestaShop stores critical information in a MySQL database. In cPanel, go to “phpMyAdmin,” select your store’s database, and choose “Export” to save an SQL file with all data.
  • Step 4: Store the Backup in a Safe Location: After downloading the files and database, save them in a secure storage location, preferably an external drive or cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

4. Restoring a Backup

If you need to restore your store, follow these steps:

  • Upload Files Back to the Server: Use FTP or cPanel to upload the PrestaShop files you previously downloaded.
  • Import the Database: Through phpMyAdmin, delete the corrupted database and import the SQL file you exported earlier.


Backups are an essential part of managing your PrestaShop store. By following these steps, you can ensure your business is protected against any eventuality, guaranteeing a quick and effective restoration in case any issues arise.