Converting XML files to CSV is a common task in many web development projects and applications. XML files are widely used to store and transfer structured data, while CSV is a simpler format often used for importing and exporting data to and from spreadsheets and databases. In this article, we will explore how to convert an XML file to CSV in PHP, complete with a practical code example.

Why Convert XML to CSV?

XML files are great for representing hierarchical data, but they can be complex to handle and aren’t always compatible with all applications. CSV, on the other hand, is a plain text format that is easy to read and write and is widely compatible with programs like Excel and Google Sheets. Converting XML to CSV can make data manipulation easier, especially when you need to perform analysis or import data into a spreadsheet.

Structure of an XML File

Before proceeding with the conversion, it’s important to understand the basic structure of an XML file. Below is a simple XML example containing product information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Product A</name>
<name>Product B</name>

This XML file contains two products, each with an id, name, price, and quantity.

XML to CSV Conversion Process in PHP

To convert XML to CSV in PHP, we will use the following functions and methods:

  1. Load the XML: First, we will load the XML file into a SimpleXMLElement object.
  2. Open a CSV File: We will create a new CSV file where the converted data will be written.
  3. Iterate Over XML Elements: We will loop through the XML nodes and write each one as a line in the CSV file.
  4. Close the CSV File: Finally, we will close the CSV file to ensure that all data is saved correctly.

Here’s a complete example of how to perform this conversion:

PHP Code Example


// Load the XML file
$xml = simplexml_load_file(‘products.xml’);

// Open a CSV file for writing
$csvFile = fopen(‘products.csv’, ‘w’);

// Write the CSV header
fputcsv($csvFile, [‘ID’, ‘Name’, ‘Price’, ‘Quantity’]);

// Iterate over each XML element and write it to the CSV
foreach ($xml->product as $product) {
$line = [
(string) $product->id,
(string) $product->name,
(string) $product->price,
(string) $product->quantity
fputcsv($csvFile, $line);

// Close the CSV file

echo “XML file successfully converted to CSV.”;

Code Explanation

  1. Loading the XML: We use simplexml_load_file to load the XML file into a SimpleXMLElement object.
  2. Opening the CSV: We use fopen to create and open a new CSV file in write mode.
  3. Writing the Header: The fputcsv function writes the first row of the CSV, which in this case is the header with the field names.
  4. Iterating and Writing: We loop through each product node in the XML, extracting its values and writing them as a line in the CSV.
  5. Closing the File: Finally, we close the CSV file with fclose.

Additional Considerations

  • Handling Special Characters: If your XML file contains special characters or requires specific encoding handling, ensure that you configure encoding correctly in PHP and the resulting file.
  • Data Validation: Before conversion, it’s advisable to validate the XML data to ensure there are no empty or misformatted fields that could cause errors during export to CSV.


Converting XML to CSV in PHP is a straightforward process that can be simplified using PHP’s built-in tools and functions. This method is useful for exporting data from a structured format like XML to a simpler and widely compatible format like CSV. With the provided example, you can adapt the code to your specific needs, manipulating both the XML structure