
PrestaShop is a leading e-commerce platform, but like any online system, it’s vulnerable to cyberattacks. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the best practices to protect your PrestaShop store from potential threats.

1. Keep Your PrestaShop Updated

One of the most fundamental steps in protecting your store is keeping your PrestaShop installation up to date. Updates not only bring new features but also patch known security vulnerabilities.

  • Benefits of Updating: Enhanced security, bug fixes, and new features.
  • How to Update: Use the “1-Click Upgrade” module to simplify the update process.

2. Use Security Modules

Several security modules are specifically designed for PrestaShop to help safeguard your store.

  • Recommendations: Consider installing modules like “Security Lite” or “Advanced Security” that offer protection against brute force attacks and SQL injection.
  • Proper Configuration: Ensure these modules are properly configured to meet your store’s needs.

3. Implement SSL on Your Website

Using an SSL certificate is crucial for protecting your customers’ sensitive information.

  • Advantages of SSL: Data encryption, SEO improvement, and increased customer trust.
  • Setting Up in PrestaShop: Go to “Store Parameters > General Settings” and enable the SSL option.

4. Restrict Access to the Admin Panel

Limiting access to your store’s backend is vital to preventing unauthorized access.

  • Change Admin URL: Modify the default URL for accessing the control panel.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Implement 2FA to add an extra layer of security.

5. Regular Backups

Performing regular backups is essential for restoring your store in the event of an attack.

  • Backup Frequency: Perform daily or weekly backups, depending on your store’s size and traffic.
  • Recommended Tools: Use modules like “PrestaBackup” or external services to store backups.


Protecting your PrestaShop store is an ongoing process that requires constant attention and action. By following these steps, you can minimize risks and keep your business secure.