Introduction: Keeping your PrestaShop store up to date is essential for security, performance, and access to new features. However, updating without proper preparation can lead to data loss or errors. This guide will explain how to safely update PrestaShop, step by step.

Table of Contents:

  1. Why is it Important to Update PrestaShop?
  2. Preparation Before Updating
    • Backing up Your Store
    • Checking Compatibility
    • Temporarily Disabling Your Store
  3. Updating PrestaShop
    • Using the “1-Click Upgrade” Module
    • Manual Update
  4. Post-Update: Verification and Testing
    • Checking Site Functionality
    • Updating Modules and Themes
    • Database Review
  5. Troubleshooting Common Issues
  6. Conclusion

1. Why is it Important to Update PrestaShop? Regular updates are crucial to keep your store secure, avoid vulnerabilities, and take advantage of new features and performance improvements. Updates also typically fix bugs and enhance the user experience.

2. Preparation Before Updating

Backing up Your Store:
Before any update, make a complete backup of your store, including both files and the database. This ensures you can restore your store if anything goes wrong during the update.

Checking Compatibility:
Ensure that all modules, themes, and customizations are compatible with the new version of PrestaShop. If they aren’t, update them or find compatible alternatives.

Temporarily Disabling Your Store:
It’s advisable to temporarily disable your store during the update to prevent users from making purchases or changes that could interfere with the process.

3. Updating PrestaShop

Using the “1-Click Upgrade” Module:
This is the simplest and most recommended method. Install and configure the “1-Click Upgrade” module. Make sure to select the automatic backup options and proceed with the update following the module’s instructions.

Manual Update:
If you prefer or need to perform a manual update, download the latest version of PrestaShop from the official site, replace the core files, and follow the detailed instructions in the official documentation to update the database.

4. Post-Update: Verification and Testing

Checking Site Functionality:
After the update, carefully check all areas of your store to ensure everything is working correctly. Test the checkout process, navigation, and make sure there are no visible errors.

Updating Modules and Themes:
Ensure all modules and themes are updated to their latest versions to guarantee full compatibility with the new PrestaShop version.

Database Review:
Run a database check to detect and fix any errors or inconsistencies that may have arisen during the update.

5. Troubleshooting Common Issues Common issues during an update include 500 errors, module or theme compatibility problems, and data loss. Provide detailed solutions for each, such as reviewing error logs, restoring backups, or contacting PrestaShop support.

6. Conclusion Updating PrestaShop is a process that, when done correctly, will keep your store secure and running optimally. Follow this guide to ensure your update is successful and trouble-free.