Web development

First, Google wants to see your content. Make sure you have your keywords/keyword phrases in bold in the text, throughout each page.

Second, make sure that you have an up-to-date sitemap.xml file for your site on Google Webmaster Tools. Generate a new sitemap.xml file whenever you have substantially changed the content on your website to let Google know that you have new information that Google can crawl and add to possible search results based on the new and updated content on your website. You can have many sites create a sitemap for you just use Google to search for a 'Sitemap Generator', for more information regarding sitemaps please refer to http://sitemaps.org for some great information about the sitemap protocal and other bits of information that Google can utilize to aggregate and help bring visitors to your website through positive search results. If you do not know how to upload a sitemap you should go to Webmaster Tools click 'Optimize' then click 'Sitemaps'. You will need to upload your own sitemap to your server and tell Google Webmaster Tools where your sitemap file is.

Published in SEO